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Data on a Touch Pad

Business Intelligence

Developed in partnership with the world's leading Private Equity partners

  1. Pricing Intelligence

  2. Product Intelligence

  3. Technical Intelligence

Gain Competitive Insight

Better understand your competitor's sales process

Improve Due Diligence

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key companies and what they offer

Determine Merger & Acquisition Targets

Perform customised due diligence on potential targets to grow your investment portfolio.

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Our Services

i-sherlock solves each client’s issues by providing a comprehensive approach backed by our team of experienced professionals. Our process fosters collaboration and innovation to ensure we not only understand the core needs of clients, but also help them develop successfully. Read our success stories below.

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Competitive Price Intelligence

Winning pitches

Our competitive intelligence expertise helps uncover pricing information for any investment opportunity or competitive set.

Competitor Research Analysis

Primary research into competitor landscapes.

  • Assess effective pricing models

  • Identify the correct price

  • Improve your service and support

Product or service pricing is one of the most complex marketing decisions that every business stakeholder must make.

We help enhance the due diligence process and assist salesforce effectiveness.

Standing Meeting

Technical Due Diligence

An Innovative Solution

The best decisions require more than commercial diligence. With our unique Tech Due Diligence service, we analyse a company’s software—from its product functionality and infrastructure to its database hierarchies—to identify opportunities, avoid risk, and ultimately determine a target’s full potential.

doing work together

Innovation Intelligence

A Story of Success

We help product development teams develop winning products through a comprehensive analysis of your competitive landscape.

You will receive a detailed analysis of your competitor's products and a clear understanding of how to develop your own unique selling proposition.

Touchscreen Computer

Founder Insights

Designed for Founders by Founders

Understand your competition and improve your own sales process

  1. Experience the competitive sales landscape

  2. Clarify your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  3. Improve your existing sales process

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